How To Use Tailwind SmartGuide For Pinterest Traffic?

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Are you the only one who is not using Tailwind for accelerating your Pinterest Traffic to your blog?

Pinterest is one of the best social media platforms to help to get traffic to your blog because it uniquely doubles up as a powerful search engine tool.

Especially for those new blogger friends, while you are impatiently waiting for the SEO traffic to kick in, using Pinterest is one of the most effective ways of getting early traffic to your new blog

Tailwind is an approved auto-scheduler service for Pinterest. At a cost of $9/mo (an annual plan), not only you can schedule pins on autopilot, but it will also help you optimise your Pinterest strategy, accelerate your traffic growth while keeping up with the latest and greatest pinning practices.

If you are on the fence of whether Tailwind is a good investment for your online business, I am here to share a NEW reason that may tip you over the fence.

And for those of you who are already Tailwind members, you just got a lot more value for your money…

Introducing Tailwind SmartGuide…

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What is the Tailwind SmartGuide for Pinterest?

In Feb. 2020, Tailwind released a new feature – Tailwind SmartGuide, to help users to improve their marketing results on Pinterest by recommending the best practices.

As Pinterest algorithm changes all the time, this tool will keep up with the changes, so you can always have the most up to date Pinterest strategy.

How will Tailwind SmartGuide Help Your Pinterest Traffic? 

Think of Tailwind SmartGuide as your personal Pinterest assistant.

It warns you when NOT to do something, and give you a “thumbs up” when you are Pinterest Account Suspension doing something right. Moreover, it provides you with suggestions on how to improve for more Pinterest traffic.

To continue enhancing the user experience, Pinterest has a strict algorithm to penalise spammy pinning behaviours. 

Getting your Pinterest account suspended can be detrimental. Although you can get your account reactivated (for the most part), it is the BEST to avoid account suspension at the first place.

Thanks to Spam SafeGuard, a feature as part of Tailwind SmartGuide, it monitors the members pinning frequency.

With SmartGuide and Spam SafeGuard in place, it initially

  1. Monitors your pinning behaviours, and alert you whether your pinning frequency can hurt your Pinterest traffic or even at risk of getting your Pinterest account suspended.
  2. Then it suggests the fixes based on the latest Pinterest best practices.

The less spammy and more quality pins you produce, the better success you will have on Pinterest.

As Tailwind is a partner to Pinterest, over time, it will continue to update you with the latest Pinterest best practices as they evolve. Then provides action suggestions so you can continue to tweak and improve your Pinterest strategy to get the most reach. 

Tailwind SmartGuide In Action…

Based on the 2020 Pinterest best practices, Tailwind SmartGuide will give you a warning when:

  • You pin too many pins per day
  • Pin same pins to too many boards
Tailwind SmartGuide for PInterest traffic

When you are pinning within the best practices, the SmartGuide will give you an “All Clear” sign.

Tailwind SmartGuide for PInterest traffic

Shortly after the Tailwind SmartGuide was rolled out, I received my first “SmartGuide Check-UP Status” email. 

Not only, it reinsured me that I am pinning within a healthy frequency, but even better, it gave me specific suggestions on how I can get more reach.

Tailwind SmartGuide for PInterest traffic

Are You Ready To Use Tailwind to Accelerate Your Pinterest Traffic?

I am really excited about the Tailwind SmartGuide feature for Pinterest traffic. This is a great addition to an already amazing tool to help implement your Pinterest strategy confidently and effectively.

If you are still on the fence? You can use my link below to try Tailwind for free (a $15 value)

Want to learn how to use Pinterest to make passive income the Right WAY?

Check out Elise McDowells’s eCourse Paid by Pinterest. It helped me to triple my Pinterest engagement and blog traffic

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Tailwind SmartGuide for Pinterest Traffic

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Benny

    pinterest is one major way to get traffic to your site and if managed properly ca lead to great returns in your business. your article has explicitly explained how to use tailwind to increase the traffic from pinterest. i would like to share this article with some of my friends. thank you very much

    1. Chloe

      Hi Benny, 

      Pinterest is one of the best ways to bring traffic to your blog, especially if it’s a new blog. Tailwind can help you accelerate your Pinterest strategy. 

      Appreciate you sharing this with your friends who may find this helpful. 


  2. Faizan Ali

    Hey Chloe,
    Honestly, SmartGuide is a type of feature that I really wanted to have for a long, since it was not developed yet So I couldn’t name it 🙂
    Because you never know when you begin violating the Pinterest policies and your reach started decreasing.
    Really, Tailwind has done a great job again.
    Kudos! to you for creating such an in-depth post around the feature.

    Faizan Ali

    1. Chloe

      Glad you find it helpful Faizan.

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