Wealthy Affiliate Review – the Best Internet Marketing Training Platform for Beginners

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Hi Friends,

Have you been thinking about starting your online marketing business to make passive income? Today, I am going to share with you what I think is the best internet marketing training for beginners. 

The fact that you are reading this, you are probably interested in making passive income through online affiliate marketing. 

If you are like me, I had very limited knowledge on marketing, not to mention online affiliate marketing, I needed a proven training program that holds my hand every step of the way, to help me start it and be successful as fast as possible.

After hours and hours of research online, I finally found what I was looking for.

I want to share what I found to be the best internet marketing training for beginners, so YOU, my friend can save some time and get started with your profitable online affiliate marketing adventure! 

Disclosure: Some of the links in the article contains affiliate links, which means that if you make a purchase through it, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps support the blog and allows me to continue to make free content. I will only recommend products that I use and love. Thank you for your support!

What is Affiliate Marketing?

To simply put, Affiliate Marketing is a way of earning a commission by promoting products online.

Yes, it’s a sales job, but it’s not the traditional sales job that you have to knock on people’s doors and beg friends and family… You promote products and services by using a platform that you create and share your honest opinion with 4 billion people online.

When people purchase through your affiliate link, you make a profit from it.

The Best Internet Marketing Training for Beginners – Why Affiliate Marketing?

The beauty of Affiliate Marketing is that you can CHOOSE to promote just about ANYTHING!

Things that you are already consuming in your day to day life, things that you are interested in and have knowledge about. “Things” can be physical goods, digital products, and services.

You can also choose to promote just 1 “thing” or many at the same time. To top it off, you are not stuck with one for the rest of your life, you can always change as your interests and market demand changes.

The Best Internet Marketing Training for Beginners – How much can you make?

Well, the sky is the limit.

But just to set the right expectation, this is not a get rich fast route. If you are interested in making some fast cash online, check out  my blog on No.1 Way of Making Legitimate Money Online, Fast, Risk Free.  

Affiliate marketing business takes time to build the foundation and then it snows balls. If you are willing to put in the effort consistently at the start, then you will typically start to see some good results in 6 month time.

Here is a typical graph of how people start making passive income…


The Best Internet Marketing Training for Beginners – Where do I start?

Starting a new adventure can be fun and exciting, but it can also be overwhelming and lonely. Learning from my previous experience, I have come up with a few criteria in order for me to be successful:

  1. No or Low initial investment
  2. A mentor to show me the way
  3. Responsive technical support
  4. A community of people with similar goals
  5. A solid training program, so I can follow it step by step and track progress

The Best Internet Marketing Training for Beginners – What Are the Reputable training on the Market?

With these criteria in mind, I started my research on the best internet marketing training for beginners… and oh boy, was that overwhelming!!!

Every “guru” seemed to have his/her own “secret sauce of getting rich” program, some are free and some cost thousands…

After days of weeding out genuine reviews vs blatantly-selling-me-shit sites, I narrowed down 3 reputable ones that can be potentially the best internet marketing training for beginners:

  • Savage Affiliate – by Franklin Hatchett
  • Create and Go – by Alex and Lauren
  • Wealthy Affiliate – by Kyle and Carson

Why I made my decision with Wealthy Affiliate?

With the initial criteria I had, I’ve created a comparison table of the 3 programs.

Being able to try it before I buy was a big one for me. But as it turns out, this is so much more than just a training course though!

Wealthy Affiliate is an all-in-one platform for you to build a successful website and start promoting whatever you choose. While you can stay as startup member, I chose the premium membership, which is $49/mo.

Here are the features other training courses do not have:

  • Web hosting (this runs approx $3-10/month)
  • All-in-one dashboard to track training progress, websites, live chat, mail, notification etc.
  • 2 free website for startup members and 50 for premium. (range from $1-30 per domain)
  • Keyword research tools (30 searches for Starter, Unlimited for Premium)
  • Website analysis (Premium)
  • Feedback from the community on sites and contents you create (Premium)

Rather than going to different resources and sites, you can do all of the above and more within Wealthy Affiliate.

After I joined as a starter member, I had a welcome email from the co-founder Kyle (yes I know it’s an automated email, but it still made it personal for me), and many other members.

While there’s over 500 training course available, there is a step by step training program to get me started. I was able to see the progress members had made, and knowing that this can be me one day really excited me! 

After a day of playing around on the site, I didn’t want to waste any more time, I just want to get started with MY JOURNEY – I opted for the premium membership to take the full advantage of what Wealthy Affiliate can offer!

My Final Verdict + FREE BONUS!

I am sure there are lots of legitimate training courses out there, but from my experience and research, I truly think that Wealthy Affiliate is the best internet marketing training for beginners.

YOU my friend, have to decide what you need to be successful, and how much effort you are willing to put in.

To me, having an all-in-one platform, 24/7 support, and a community of people to support on all aspects, was the most valuable for me. The best part is, you can try it for free.

So what do you have to lose? This can be the start of something amazing!

WAIT, if you join the Premium membership within the first 7 days of opening the account, you will be receiving below 3 amazing bonus from me:

Here is how to claim my FREE BONUS...
1. A $30 OFF of your first month Premium membership. (Instead of $49/month, you only pay $19)
2. 24/7 support from me, with access to private messages.
3. Learn from experience: 5 Mistakes Newbiews Make at Wealthy Affiliate (A video, via email)
Remember, this offer is only available within the first 7 days.


Chloe x

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Internet Marketing Training for beginners

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. C

    Thank you for this great article. Wealthy affiliate is definitely worth a try for anyone wanting to begin an online business. Like you said, you can sell just about anything. You’re not limited to just one brand or just one kind of product. People can make hundreds of dollars a day and once their websites get going, and that can continue recurring as time goes on.

    thank you for the other two options, Savage affiliate, and create and go. I never heard of those before but maybe one day I will look into it. Right now I am just doing wealthy affiliate and getting plenty of value out of that. Have a great day!

    1. Chloe

      Thank you so much for your feedback on my review… Glad that you are enjoying WA so far, I can’t wait to learn more from the community and follow the success of all the members! 

  2. Gerry

    I’m pretty sure that the message you get in the beginning from Kyle is an automated message. So, while some of the other good things about wealthy affiliate you mentioned maybe true, you might not want to mislead people into expecting that the owner actually gives them a personal, one-of-a-kind message.

    1. Chloe

      Good point. Yes the welcome message from Kyle was an automated reply but I was still please to receive it.

  3. Stella

    This is well detailed review about affiliate marketing and I must say your recommendation worth trying. I have been into this business for quite a while now and am making progress every day till this moment. Am sure that’s just the beginning. This article about wealthy is fascinating and will go a long way in helping people succeed in affiliate marketing business.

    1. Chloe

      Hi Stella, thanks so much for taking the time to provide this valuable feedback. Really pleased to hear you found the article helpful! 

  4. Wayne

    Hello, Chloe and I have to say that I enjoyed reading this article.  

    Your story is similar to mine.  I too spent many hours searching the internet for the right place to land in order to learn about Affiliate Marketing before I decided on Wealthy Affiliate.  Many of the other “Programs” promised almost instant results and that just didn’t seem right to me.

    But WA was different.  Free to start… I had nothing to lose by checking it out.  Joined within a week because I saw the value of being all in with the platform.  The starter membership is great but the internet marketing universe really opens up once your inside and see what you would have missed if one had stayed a free member.

    Just want to say one more thing.  Even though Gary is right that the owners’ initial greetings are automated, I have read enough greetings on other member profiles to see that they also personally respond to replies from new and old members alike.  They are very reachable to the community.  Yes they are busy and it may take a day or two to respond but, they DO respond.

    There really isn’t any other training platform that has everything we need for success all in one place with NO UPSELLS.  All we have to add is the hard work and determination.

    All the best,


    1. Chloe

      If both of us went through similar path of searching for the best and easiest platform to start Affiliate Marketing, i bet there are many out there still trying to weed through all those free guides and videos. From my past experience, I have learned that, if I want to be successful in a short amount of time, I need to invest in the training and tools. The key is to find the best value for money platform to accelerate the process. Wealthy Affiliate is probably the best value for money all-in-one platform out on the market. I just want to spread the words to help out those who are still struggling to get start it. Cheers!  

  5. Charlotte Stauber

    I enjoyed reading your review on Wealthy Affiliate and found it very helpful. I too tried out a couple of other affiliate marketing web sites only to be told that if I spent a certain amount of money everything would be done for me. Well, that was not what I was after. I wanted to learn to build my web site myself for my own self esteem purposes. I have never sold anything in my life. Your review told me what I needed to know about Wealthy Affiliate.

    1. Chloe

      I am pleased that my article was helpful. Totally agree, you can pay someone else to build the website for you, and when something goes wrong down the road, you then become depend on paying someone to fix it. Wealthy Affiliate is truly a beginner friendly platform that breaks complicated problems to very easy to follow simple tasks!
      Best of luck!

  6. Rodarrick

    Wealthy affiliate is surely worth given a trial too because i5 is just the perfect definition of the perfect package for any body who wants to get involved with affiliate marketing. The training is very massive and helpful. They also provide the support that I am sure would help anyone get started with it. The fact that one can try it all for free is a great thing because it opened my eyes to see if it was for me and I can say that I joined the platform almost immediately I registered as a free member because the platform was just simply awesome with everything they provided. Thanks for the review and yes! I am a member of the platform

    1. Chloe

      Totally agree with you my friend! With Wealthy Affiliate, there’s really nothing to loose but a lot to gain =)

  7. Shelley

    Wealthy affiliate is the best platform ever and I’m glad you are doing this detailed review on it. The training provided through this platform made it exceptionally well for me and they helped me to simplify how everything works out on the platform. To be honest, I have created my website and I host it on there through site rubix platform. The jaxxy made available too has helped in my SEO optimization a lot. Though the process of moving in affiliate marketing has not been easy but then, it definitely has not been as tedious as it was before I joined wealthy affiliate. Thanks

    1. Chloe

      Hi Shelley, 

      Thanks for sharing your positive experience on Wealthy Affiliate. Starting something is never easy, but if we have the best tool and platform to help us accelerate that, then it’s money worth spend. The best part is, you don’t even have to spend the money before you’ve tried yourself. 

      Best luck with your Affiliate Marketing journey – keep hustling! 


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