Smart Household Money Saving Tips UK

Chloe | It's Not your 9 to 5


The cost of living in the UK has been on a steep incline since early 2021. In April 2022, the CPI (Consumer Prices Index) Inflation rate was measured 9.0% higher than a year before. This is the highest in decades.


Whilst the cost of living is on a steep incline in the UK, our earnings don't seem to be keeping up the pace, which leaves many of us struggling more than ever before to make ends meet each month.

It's hard to know exactly what will happen in the next few months, or even years, but one thing is for sure - we need to be proactive about our money.

Here are 25+ clever money saving tips for UK living by category.  By making these small changes, you can easily save over £3,500 a year. So you can breathe a little easier – even in these uncertain times.

Paying Off  Credit Card Debt


If you have credit card debt, paying off these debts as soon as possible will save you from paying hefty interest rates.

Stop Borrowing and Start Budgeting


Starting to make a monthly budget while you are paying off debt is an important part of the mindset shift.

Chloe | It's Not your 9 to 5

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Maximise Pension Contributions 


Aim to contribute 15-20% of your monthly income to a pension, which can be in the form of a private pension, a company pension, or an investment ISA.

Eat Out Less 


Try to reduce the number of times your family eats out per month, you will be amazed at how much you can save.

Meal Plan for Food Shopping 


When it comes to food shopping, having a weekly meal plan is the key to saving big.When it comes to food shopping, having a weekly meal plan is the key to saving big.

to find out more household money-saving tips to hedge against inflation in the year of squeeze

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