Summer part-time jobs are a great way to make extra money, gain work experience, and learn about the working world.
Many working parents find themselves without their usual childcare arrangements during the summer. Working as a babysitter during those hours can be a great money-making opportunity.
If you are into making things, you can sell them on Etsy. Creating digital printables in particular is a great way to earn passive income, as you only need to create once, and no need to worry about inventory, shipping and delivery.
Chloe | It's Not your 9 to 5
If you are constantly attached to your phone, why not get paid for it?
Lifeguard jobs are a great way to make some extra cash and get a tan all at the same time. Trained and licensed lifeguards can find lifeguard jobs at public beaches, pools, and rec centers.
You can work part-time as an online tutor. This type of work is perfect if you live in a rural area and can’t get to a client’s location, or prefer not to travel.
Chloe | It's Not your 9 to 5