How to Become a Pinterest VA? A Fast Track To Your Success

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Wondering how to become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant and which Pinterest Virtual Assistant course will fast track your success?

You’ve probably heard all the buzz about Pinterest virtual assistants being in high demand, more than ever before. But how exactly to become a Pinterest VA? How much does a Pinterest VA make? and are there any Pinterest virtual assistant courses to even get me started?…

I get it, it’s all exciting but overwhelming at the same time.

… which is exactly why I want to answers all these questions for you, not just from me, but from someone who recently quit her full-time job after earning enough as a Pinterest virtual assistant.

But before we get into it, let’s first take a look at some interesting facts about Pinterest. 

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How to become a Pinterest VA

Why Pinterest?  

  • Pinterest is one of the fastest-growing social medial platforms. 
  • In fact, Pinterest primarily serves as a visual search engine rather than a social hangout. 
  • There are over 335 million monthly active users on Pinterest. 
  • 97% of Pinterest users reported that they use Pinterest to plan for a future purchase. 

Capturing these users is a huge opportunity for businesses!

…which is why, small to medium businesses are willing to invest in growing their reach on the Pinterest platform. And a Pinterest virtual assistance will help them to do exactly that. 

What is a Pinterest Virtual Assistant?

A Pinterest virtual assistant (VA) is a specialised virtual assistant that helps clients to grow their reach on the Pinterest platform.  

How to become a Pinterest VA

What does a Pinterest VA do? 

Pinterest VAs can offer a variety of services to clients. 

Their Pinterest services include: 

  • Setting up Pinterest business accounts
  • Pin creation
  • Scheduling pins on a customized schedule
  • Conduct Pinterest analytics to an existing account
  • Devise a growth strategy on Pinterest presence
  • Applying for group boards
  • Setting up group boards
  • Create promoted pin campaigns
  • Track and report the Pinterest account results on a regular basis 

The best part is, you don’t have to be an expert in all of these services. Depending on what you are good at and your strengths, you can pick the services to offer the clients. 

How much does a Pinterest VA make? 

In general, the more specialised VA, the higher rate you can charge as it requires more specialised skills. 

Pinterest manager is one of the top 3 high paying VA niches. 

Pinterest VAs can make anywhere between $15 (£12) to $50 (£40) per hour depending on the experience. However, the average Pinterest VA makes $30 (£24) per hour. 

Being a Pinterest VA means that you have the flexibility not only on who you work for but also the number of hours you like to take on, which makes a perfect fit for those who need to work around family schedules. 

Does it matter where you live? 

You can live anywhere in the world, as long as you have a laptop and an internet connection. Having the flexibility of your working location is one of many reasons people are attracted to being a Pinterest VA. 

What is it like being a NEW Pinterest VA? – My Interview with Emily 

When fellow UK blogger Emily from decided to start offering her Pinterest VA service alongside blogging, it got me really interested…

I’ve been following her journey for a little while now. 

While she still considered herself “pretty new” as a Pinterest VA, a few months in, she is already finding success! 

UPDATE [2021]: A month after our initial interview, Emily walked away from her day-job, and turning Pinterest VA into a full-time income.

I reached out to her and asked if she would be willing to answer some questions to help people who are thinking about starting as a Pinterest VA. 

and she is here to tell us more about what is like to start as a Pinterest VA… 

Pinterest virtual assistant course

Q1. What made you start the Pinterest VA service? 

A: I knew I wanted to start offering Pinterest management as a service as soon as I started to see results for my own blog. My Pinterest account was sending traffic to my blog, hitting around 13k page views a month, and I was certain my Pinterest knowledge to reach that point would be valuable to someone.

Plus, when I first started using Pinterest for my blog I had never used it before (not even for pinning home inspo or baking recipes to try!). So I knew how difficult it was to put the time into really learning Pinterest as a marketing tool. I am still learning of course, but I wanted to offer my assistance so others didn’t have to go through months (or in my case years) of learning Pinterest if they didn’t have the time! 

Q2. Did you take any Pinterest virtual assistant course to get you started? If so, will you recommend it?

A: I took Megan’s VA Ninja course, and I absolutely loved it!

It was exactly what I needed to take the leap to start offering services, and it was a lot cheaper than you find other courses on how to become a Pinterest Virtual Assistant.  

I’ve found that I’ve learned a lot more now that I am working with clients than when I first started out, but I do think without taking Megan’s Pinterest virtual assistant course I wouldn’t have started doing this. 

Q3. What did it take to find your 1st client, and how long did it take?

A: My first client was actually a bloggy friend.

We were in the same FB group for bloggers and got chatting about blogging (as we’re in similar niches). I finished VA ninja in July, and was chatting to said bloggy friend about taking this course and wanting to become a Pinterest manager. And before I knew it we were in serious talks about me doing Pinterest management for her, as she was looking to outsource it! That was in August- we officially set up in September, and the first full month of management services commenced in October. 

So it took me a couple of months, but that was last year- 9 months later and we are still working together (and I have helped grow her account to 1 million impressions, which I’m super happy about!). 

Q4. Can you work anywhere, being a Pinterest VA?

A: Yes – being a VA doesn’t really seem to be a very done thing here (UK)!

I already knew that blogging and online business etc was a much bigger thing in America, as most of my blogging audience were American. 

But when it came to running a successful Pinterest VA business, I was shocked how few people there are in the UK actually doing it. 

That’s not to say there aren’t people in the UK who are VAs- there definitely are. I’m based in Wales, and I was thrilled to find there was someone else in a Facebook group full of VAs not only to be in the UK but also in Wales like myself (and only around 30 minutes away from me!). 

But my point is don’t be surprised if you find most people you come across looking to become a VA aren’t based in the UK, as people from all over the world do this. 

It’s worth going through it all for the chance to be your own boss! 

Oh and the good thing about being a VA in the UK- I read a lot of posts about people in America having to put money aside for medical insurance, whilst in the UK we’re very lucky to have the NHS and free healthcare! Which is a big plus to being a VA in the UK if you ask me.

Thanks to Emily’s candid interview to share her experience on what is it like starting out. I am sure will be following her success as she continues her VA journey.

How to get started as a Pinterest Virtual Assistant? 

If you are thinking about becoming a Pinterest virtual assistant yourself but not sure where to start, Megan’s Pinterest Ninja course and VA Ninja course is one that pushed many including Emily over the starting line and fast-tracked the success. 

As Emily mentioned, it is one of the best value for money Pinterest virtual assistant course on the market. You can learn the latest Pinterest marketing skills from the Pinterest Ninja course, then VA Ninja course teaches you how to run your Pinterest VA business and get clients.

You can take the 2 courses separately, or as a bundle with a discount, which makes it even more affordable.

What you will learn from the Pinterest Ninja course?  

Pinterest Ninja course review

If you are interested in becoming a Pinterest Virtual Assistant but need to learn more about the Pinterest platform, this is the course you can start with.

The Pinterest Ninja course is a step by step guide to mastering Pinterest marketing whether is for your own business or client’s Pinterest account.

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to create a Pinterest for a business account
  • Claim your website and enable rich pins
  • Pinterest SEO
  • How to make pins that attract traffic
  • Pinterest strategy
  • Understand Pinterest analytics and metrics
  • Bonus 1: Free private facebook group
  • Bonus 2: Free lifetime access to monthly course update
  • Bonus 3: How to grow your email list via Pinterest.

The stand-alone Pinterest Ninja course is $147.

Here’s what you will learn from VA Ninja course (it is currently being updated, relaunch on March 15th, 2022): 

  • How to quickly set up your new service on a new website (if you don’t have one) or an existing site
  • What does a Pinterest VA do? 
  • Legal + Banking + Taxes + Invoicing (Here is What UK Virtual Assistant Need to Know about Tax and National Insurance
  • How to package your offer and how much to charge for your service? (Templates included) 
  • Drafting contracts, welcome packages, and how to part away with clients. (Templates included) 
  • How to create monthly reports for each client, organise your weekly plan and workflow. (more templates included) 
  • Building your resume. 
  • How to land your first client. 
  • BONUS 1: Free listing on Megan’s Pinterest Virtual Assistant database worth $100 annual membership fee [This is a great way to get clients]
  • BONUS 2: Monthly private group training to help you with underperforming pins. 

You can get all the above for $150 (£120). To make it even better, Megan often runs a 25% sale, which makes it $112.50 (£90). 

How to find Pinterest Virtual Assistant jobs?

While there are many free “job platforms” like Fiverr and Upwork that you can list your VA services, many business owners prefer VA-specific job boards for high-quality candidates.

Megan’s VA Ninja course comes with a Pinterest VA job listing, which is great to help you find your first client, expand your network and land more clients.

Referrals are also really important for Virtual assistant services. Once you land your first couple of clients, be sure to do a great job, so they are likely to tell others about your great services.

What other types of social media management VA services?

If Pinterest VA services aren’t your thing, there are other social media management services you can offer to potential clients instead.

Get the list of work from home virtual assistant jobs to make $4800/month.

Final Thought on How to Become A Pinterest VA?

I hope you enjoyed the interview with Emily who shares her personal experience on how to become a Pinterest VA and what is it like starting out. 

If you already have Pinterest skills or just hungry to learn more about the platform, being a Pinterest VA is a great way to turn your skills and hobby into an lucrative online business. 

With the help of Pinterest Ninja and VA Ninja course, you can be too, be fast-tracked to your Pinterest VA success. 

Other work at home opportunities:

How to Become A Pinterest Virtual Assistant? [Pin it for later]

Pinterest virtual assistant course

This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. surya

    Great Post, I really liked the interview from the Pinterest expert person. 13000 visits are a lot of people, did she get all of that from Pinterest alone? So now If I wanted to, I can learn more about Pinterest then create a freelancing website, so that I can make money from the services I provide, right?

    1. Chloe

      To answer your question, correct, if you don’t have a website already, you can create one as a way to marketing your Pinterest service.

  2. Lisa

    I have thought about doing this! Thanks for the info ?

    1. Chloe

      Why not turning the thought into action? The VA Ninja course will really help you to turn that into a profitable reality. All the best Lisa.

  3. Christa

    Very helpful post Chloe! I’m interested in becoming a Pinterest VA soon. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Chloe

      Being a Pinterest VA is a great way to actively making income alongside a passive income stream. I highly recommend Pinterest Ninja and VA Ninja course as it’s truly the best value for money.
      All the best!

  4. Barshan Turno

    Needful content. Keep creating content like this! Tons of love for you

    1. Chloe

      Glad you found helpful. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I really didn’t know much about this. This post is so informative. I think it could possibly be something I’d be interested in looking into more sometime soon. Thank you!

    1. Chloe

      Pleased to hear that you found the information helpful.

  6. Robyn

    Thank you for this information! I could certainly use a Pinterest VA once my blog starts earning money, and now I know the kinds of things I can expect help with. Also, being a Pinterest VA is something that I can keep in mind should the time come where I need to earn a little extra income. All-around great article.

    1. Chloe

      There’s certainly a lot of potential with Pinterest.

  7. Sharon

    Pinterest constantly has me scratching my head! This is so much I don’t understand… but to be fair I’m totally new to it. Until this post I didn’t know that a Pinterest VA was a thing 😀 Interesting read, thanks for sharing.

    1. Chloe

      The Pinterest virtual assistant role is still pretty new to many but in high demand. Lots of bloggers and small business can be really benefited from having them. If that’s not your thing, perhaps you can outsource the help.

  8. Kim

    Love this! I’m just getting into Pinterest now, still learning, but this is such c cool idea!

    1. Chloe

      Thank you, glad you found helpful.

  9. Emily

    Thank you so much for interviewing me Chloe. It’s crazy to think this time last year I didn’t have any clients… And now I have 5!

    To anyone thinking of becoming a Pinterest VA I highly recommend it. Please if you have any questions about it let me know- I will be more than happy to answer 🙂

    1. Chloe

      My pleasure Emily. Thanks for sharing your experience as a new Pinterest VA. Can’t wait to hear more success and challenges from you in the future.

  10. Evelyn

    Hi – I am in the US – I see in the course they offer for UK set up but do you offer one for the United States?

    1. Chloe

      Hi Evely, the creator of this course Megan is based in the US, and it’s absolutely suitable for people in the US. As many of my readers are based in the UK, I decided to interview someone who is UK based just to demonstrate that the course is really suitable for people all over the world =) Megan is currently offering a 40% off for her courses, so act quickly to take advantage.

    1. Chloe

      Thanks for the kind words. It’s always good to hear that my content helps people out there. Thank you for stopping by!

  11. Check

    Hi! What about if youre from the philippines,there are limitations for shop integration and ads. Can you still become a pinterest va?

    1. Chloe

      Yes, you can still become a Pinterest VA living in the Philippines, in fact, I came across many Philippine-based VA. There might be limitations in different countries, you might need to use a VPN to get around some of the limitations.

  12. Leonie Konig

    Thank you for this amazing piece on buzz about Pinterest; I love your writing style and feel every line of your writing.

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